= Batu Khan = '''Batu Khan''' was khan of the [[WorldHistory/GoldenHorde|Golden Horde]]. <> ---- == History == Batu rose to become a senior officer in the [[WorldHistory/MongolEmpire|Mongol army]], often serving alongside [[Mongolia/Subutai|Subutai]]. In 1219, Batu and Subutai were tasked with the conquest of the [[Ukraine/Monarchs#Kievan_Rus.27|Ruthenian principalities]]. They continued to press into [[Hungary/BelaIV|Hungary]] and the [[WorldHistory/HolyRomanEmpire/FrederickII|Holy Roman Empire]]. When [[Mongolia/OgedeiKhan|Ögedei]] died in 1242, Batu returned to [[Mongolia/Karakorum|Karakorum]] for the next election. ---- CategoryRicottone