= Linux Users = A '''user''' can refer to either a '''local user''' that a real person uses interactively or a '''system user''' that is used to set permissions on system processes. <> ---- == Creating Users == See [[AddUser|adduser(8)]] and [[UserAdd|useradd(8)]]. The former is simpler and can be used interactively. === Privileged Users === Standard practice is that privileged users are in the `wheel` group. This is managed by the sudoers file. {{{ ## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL }}} Either use `visudo` or edit `/etc/sudoers` directly to ensure that this line is uncommented. Therefore, to escalate a user's privileges, try {{{ adduser USERNAME wheel }}} === Custom Groups === To create a custom group, see [[AddGroup|addgroup(8)]] and [[GroupAdd|groupadd(8)]]. The former is simpler. Then to add a user to that group, try: {{{ adduser USERNAME GROUPNAME }}} ---- == Configuration == `adduser(8)` and `useradd(8)` both look at `/etc/default/useradd` for a number of variables. The default login shell (`SHELL`), the base directory for home directory creation (`HOME`), and so on. `adduser(8)` additionally looks to `/etc/logins.def`. Much of this file relates to interactive login configuration, but a short list of variables are used in user creation. `UID_MIN` and `UID_MAX` define the range for local user IDs, while `SYS_UID_MIN` and `SYS_UID_MAX` define the range for system user IDs. (The parallel `GID_MIN`, `GID_MAX`, `SYS_GID_MIN`, and `SYS_GID_MAX` variables do the same for group IDs.) ---- CategoryRicottone