= 2009 General Elections = The '''2009 General elections''' were called early by [[Japan/TarouAsou|Asou]]. They were held on August 30th, 2009. <> ---- == History == The last [[Japan/Diet#House_of_Representatives|lower house]] [[Japan/Elections|elections]] were held in [[Japan/2005GeneralElections|2005]]. Amid a worsening economy, the [[Japan/LiberalDemocraticParty|LDP]] had performed poorly in regional elections earlier in 2009. [[Japan/IchirouOzawa|Ozawa]] had led the [[Japan/DemocraticPartyOfJapan|DPJ]] to victory in the [[Japan/2007HouseOfCouncillorsElections|2007 upper house elections]]. He is also credited with the party strategy for this general election, though [[Japan/YukioHatoyama|Hatoyama]] had succeeded him as party leader earlier a few months prior. ---- == Results == The [[Japan/LiberalDemocraticParty|LDP]] lost in a landslide, handing power to the [[Japan/DemocraticPartyOfJapan|DPJ]]. Asou resigned as party leader. ---- CategoryRicottone