= 1960 General Elections = The '''1960 General elections''' were called by the incoming [[Japan/HayatoIkeda|Ikeda]] government. They were held on November 20th, 1960. <> ---- == History == The last [[Japan/Diet#House_of_Representatives|lower house]] [[Japan/Elections|elections]] were held in [[Japan/1958GeneralElections|1958]]. [[Japan/NobusukeKishi|Kishi]] had forced an amended [[Japan/TreatyOfMutualCooperationAndSecurity|U.S.-Japan Security Treaty]] through the diet by having the [[Japan/SocialDemocraticParty|opposition]] dragged out by police. The '''May 19th Incident''' became a rallying point for political rivals. Kishi resigned and [[Japan/HayatoIkeda|Ikeda]] entered as a compromise candidate. ---- == Results == Kishi led the [[Japan/LiberalDemocraticParty|LDP]] on a comprehensive platform, including a 10-year economic plan called the '''Income Doubling Plan''' ('''所得倍増計画''', ''shotoku baizou keikaku''). The LDP victory in the election is attributed to this platform, which solidified Ikeda's hold on party leadership. ---- CategoryRicottone