= Sinn Féin = The '''Sinn Féin''' is a [[Ireland/PoliticalParties|political party]] in [[Ireland/Democratization#Republic_of_Ireland|Ireland]]. <> ---- == Platform == TODO: learn some government! ---- == History == TODO: learn more history! In the 1918 [[UnitedKingdom/Parliament|British parliamentary]] elections, [[Ireland/SinnFein|Sinn Féin]] won a supermajority of Irish seats. They convened a revolutionary assembly, the '''Dáil Éireann''', and declared independence in 1919. The party refused to recognize the [[Ireland/Democratization#Irish_Free_State|Irish Free State]], created through the peace process in 1921, and boycotted the [[Ireland/Oireachtas|Oireachtas]]. [[Ireland/EamonDeValera|de Valera]] tried to reverse this party policy, but in 1926 established the breakaway [[Ireland/FiannaFail|Fianna Fáil]]. TODO: learn more history! AND government! ---- == Leadership == TODO: learn some government! ---- CategoryTodoLearnHistory CategoryRicottone CategoryTodoLearnGovernment