= Fianna Fáil = The '''Fianna Fáil''' is a [[Ireland/PoliticalParties|political party]] in [[Ireland/Democratization#Republic_of_Ireland|Ireland]]. <> ---- == Platform == TODO: learn some government! ---- == History == [[Ireland/SinnFein|Sinn Féin]] refused to recognize the [[Ireland/Democratization#Irish_Free_State|Irish Free State]] and boycotted the [[Ireland/Oireachtas|Oireachtas]]. [[Ireland/EamonDeValera|de Valera]] tried to reverse this party policy, but in 1926 established the breakaway '''Fianna Fáil'''. The party won a majority of seats in 1932. De Valera amended the constitution to remove, among other components, the '''Oath of Allegience'''. Following the abdication of [[UnitedKingdom/EdwardVIII|Edward VIII]], he and [[Ireland/JohnHearne|Hearne]] drafted a new constitution that entirely abolished recognition of the British monarchy. Following a plebiscite in July 1937, this constitution was adopted in December, establishing the [[Ireland/Democratization#Republic_of_Ireland|Republic of Ireland]]. TODO: learn more history! ---- == Leadership == TODO: learn some government! ---- CategoryTodoLearnHistory CategoryRicottone CategoryTodoLearnGovernment