= Sándor Wekerle = '''Sándor Wekerle''' (''Wekerle Sándor'') was an [[Hungary/Democratization#Austria-Hungary|Austro-Hungarian]] statesman and [[Hungary/PrimeMinisters|prime minister]] of [[Hungary/Democratization#Austria-Hungary|Hungary]]. <> ---- == History == ---- == Policies == === First Term === === Second Term === === Third Term === Following the end of [[WorldHistory/WorldWar1|World War 1]], the [[Austria/Monarchs#Austro-Hungarian_Empire|empire]] entered a rapid decline. The separate nations scrambled for territory and independence. Recognition of [[Czechia/TomasMasaryk|Masaryk]] as [[Czechia/Democratization#First_Czechoslovak_Republic|Czechoslovak]] head of state accelerated the legitimacy crisis. [[Austria/CharlesIV|Charles IV]] attempted to compromise by establishing '''National Councils''' and pushing the '''Völkermanifest''', effectively a federating of the empire, but this further accelerated the crisis. In October 1918, the Hungarian government entered a rapid collapse. Wekerle annulled the [[Austria/Monarchs#Austro-Hungarian_Empire|Compromise of 1867]] and resigned. ---- == Legacy == Following his resignation, [[Austria/CharlesIV|Charles IV]] hesitated to appoint a new prime minister, leaving Hungary without a government for two weeks. This afforded [[Hungary/MihalyKarolyi|Károlyi]] the opportunity he needed to establish power. ---- CategoryRicottone