fcgiwrap(8) is a simple wrapper script around a FastCGI implementation. It comes from the Lighttpd project.
Most Linux distributions offer a fcgiwrap package. Consider also installing spawn-fcgi.
Enable and start fcgiwrap.socket.
See here for details.
Upstream recommends using spawn-fcgi(1), rather than fcgiwrap(8) directly. With it, no configuration is necessary and the server can be started like:
spawn-fcgi -n -u www-data -p 9000 -- /usr/bin/fcgiwrap -f
Similarly, if using a container to serve a FastCGI server, try:
FROM alpine:latest RUN apk add spawn-fcgi fcgiwrap COPY myapp /myapp EXPOSE 9000 WORKDIR /myapp CMD spawn-fcgi -n -p 9000 -- /usr/bin/fcgiwrap -f
See here for details.
Upstream has noted that fcgiwrap(8) was written before Nginx offered fastcgi_split_path_info.
"PATH_INFO passed from the web server is ignored and instead is parsed out of SCRIPT_FILENAME (or DOCUMENT_ROOT + SCRIPT_NAME)."
So, the solution is to...
- set these variables directly
copy fastcgi_params to fcgiwrap_params and comment out the lines that set DOCUMENT_ROOT and SCRIPT_NAME.
include fcgiwrap_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend; #or fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT /usr/libexec/git-core/ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME git-http-backend