= Excel TextJoin = This function becomes available in Excel 2019 and Office 365. For legacy systems, use `CONCATENATE`. See details [[Excel/Concatenate|here]]. <> ---- == Usage == CONCAT concatenates a series of 1 or more values into a single string value with a string delimiter. The values can be string values, arrays of string values, or cell ranges. {{{ =TEXTJOIN(DELIMITER, IGNORE_EMPTY, VALUE, [VALUE, ...]) }}} `DELIMITER` is inserted between every string value. If set to `""`, `TEXTJOIN` effectively is the same as `CONCAT`. If `IGNORE_EMPTY` is set to `TRUE`, empty cells will be skipped. This prevents duplicate delimiters from being inserted into the final string. {{{ =TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A2:A8) }}} === Order of Cell Ranges === Given the following table: || ||'''A'''||'''B'''|| ||'''1'''||a ||b || ||'''2'''||c ||d || The formula `=TEXTJOIN(" ",TRUE,A:A,B:B)` would return `a c b d`, while the formula `=TEXTJOIN(" ",TRUE,A1:B2)` would return `a b c d`. === Variable Delimiters === Given the following table: || ||'''A'''||'''B'''||'''C'''|| ||'''1'''||a ||b ||c || ||'''2'''||d ||e ||f || ||'''3'''||end || || || ||'''4'''||, ||, ||; || The formula `=TEXTJOIN(A4:C4,TRUE,A1:C3)` would return `a,b,c;d,e,f;end`. ---- CategoryRicottone