= Excel CountIf = The '''COUNTIF''' and '''COUNTIFS''' functions are used to aggregate data as counts. <> ---- == COUNTIF == Consider the below spreadsheet: || ||'''A''' ||'''B''' ||'''C''' || ||'''1'''||''Name''||''Score''||''Days Sick''|| ||'''2'''||Alice ||91 ||0 || ||'''3'''||Bob ||54 ||7 || ||'''4'''||Charlie ||87 ||2 || ||'''5'''||Daisy ||84 ||0 || ||'''6'''||Edward ||76 ||1 || To count the number of students with scores below 85, use the '''COUNTIF''' function like: {{{ =COUNTIF($B:$B, "<85") }}} The second parameter is called the '''criteria'''. A criteria can be any of: * An integer literal (`32`) * A string expressing a logical comparison (`">32"`) * A cell (`B4`) * To use a logical comparison with a cell's value, try string concatenation (`">" & B4`) * A string literal (`"apples"`) * Integers can also be expressed as string literals due to duck typing (`"32"`) * Question marks and asterisks are treated as [[Excel/SearchQueries#Wildcards|wildcard characters]] ---- == COUNTIFS == To count the number of students with scores below 85 and no sick days, use the '''COUNTIFS''' function like: {{{ =COUNTIFS($B:$B, "<85", $C:$C, 0) }}} Every range must have the same number of rows and columns. Otherwise a `#VALUE!` error propogates. ---- CategoryRicottone