= Edvard Beneš = '''Edvard Beneš''' was a founding figure in the [[Czechia/Democratization#First_Czechoslovak_Republic|First Czechoslovak Republic]], [[Czechia/CzechNationalSocialistParty|National Socialist]] politician, foreign minister, [[Czechia/PrimeMinisters|prime minister]], and [[Czechia/Presidents|president]] of Czechoslovakia. <> ---- == History == Beneš received a doctorate of law in [[France/Dijon|Dijon]]. He lectured in sociology at Charles University in [[Czechia/Prague|Prague]]. ---- == Policies == === Masaryk Government === Beneš was an early Czech revolutionary and member of the [[Czechia/CzechNationalSocialistParty|National Socialists]]. During [[WorldHistory/WorldWar1|World War 1]], he served in several ministerial roles in the provisional Czechslovak government based in [[France/Paris|Paris]]. Beneš served as foreign minister to many prime ministers, throughout the entire [[Czechia/Democratization#First_Czechoslovak_Republic|First Republic]] and [[Czechia/TomasMasaryk|Masaryk presidency]]. For 1921-1922 he concurrently served as [[Czechia/PrimeMinisters|prime minister]]. He represented Czechoslovakia at [[WorldHistory/TreatyOfVersailles|Versailles]] and in the [[WorldHistory/LeagueOfNations|League of Nations]]. === First Beneš Government === Masaryk had effectively handed the [[Czechia/Presidents|presidency]] to Beneš as a chosen successor. He further centralized power in the presidency. Following the [[WorldHistory/MunichAgreement|Munich Betrayal]], he resigned. This is considered the end of the First Republic. === Government in Exile === Beneš continued to coordinate significant parts of the Czechoslovak state from exile in [[UnitedKingdom/London|London]], especially the intelligence community, despite the [[Czechia/EmilHacha|Hácha]] presidency. He leveraged this information to retain recognition as effective head of state among the [[WorldHistory/Allies|Allies]]. === Second Beneš Government === Once the [[WorldHistory/SovietUnion|USSR]] captured eastern Slovakia, Beneš returned to the country and established a new coalition government. [[Czechia/KlementGottwald|Gottwald]] served as prime minister. The '''Košice Program''' governed this coalition and guided the restructuring of Czechoslovakia as it entered the [[Czechia/Democratization#Third_Czechoslovak_Republic|Third Republic]]. Germans and Hungarians had their citizenships rescinded and were expelled. A Soviet-style command economy with restricted private ownership was established. Limits were placed on multi-party democracy. Slovaks were recognized as equal and deserving of self-governance and representation within a Czechoslovak federation. The first post-war elections were held in June 1946 and Beneš began his second official term. Beneš supported accepting the [[WorldHistory/MarshallPlan|Marshall Plan]] but he and Gottwald were directed by the [[Russia/VyacheslavMolotov|Kremlin]] to reject it. In February 1948, there was a government crisis. The non-[[Czechia/CommunistParty|Communist]] ministers resigned in protest against perceived packing of the bureaucracy by communists. Beneš tried to refuse these resignations while Gottwald pushed for a fully-Communist caretaker government. Amid the establishment of a communist militia, threats of a general strike, and violent protests in Prague, he reversed course and accepted the resignations. Elections in March saw a new National Front government that was now fully under control by the Communists. The legislature produced the [[Czechia/Democratization#Socialist_Czechoslovak_Republic|Ninth-of-May Constitution]]; Beneš resigned in June rather than sign it. ---- == Legacy == [[Czechia/KlementGottwald|Gottwald]], as [[Czechia/PrimeMinisters|prime minister]] and leader of the National Front coalition, quickly succeeded Beneš to become [[Czechia/Presidents|president]]. His health had begun failing in 1945; he died in September 1948 shortly after his resignation. ---- CategoryRicottone