= Batch Bundled Commands = Since Batch scripting is exclusively used on [[Windows]], the command-line programs bundled with the operating system are effectively portable. <> ---- == Arp == ---- == At == ---- == Attrib == ---- == BcEdit == ---- == CAcls == ---- == ChCp == ---- == ChkDsk == ---- == ChkNtfs == ---- == Choice == ---- == Cipher == ---- == Clip == ---- == Cmd == ---- == Comp == ---- == Compact == ---- == Convert == ---- == Debug == ---- == DiskComp == ---- == DiskCopy == ---- == DiskPart == ---- == DosKey == ---- == DriverQuery == ---- == Expand == ---- == Fc == ---- == Find == ---- == FindStr == ---- == ForFiles == ---- == Format == ---- == FsUtil == ---- == GpResult == ---- == GraftAbl == ---- == Help == ---- == IcAcls == ---- == IpConfig == ---- == Label == ---- == MakeCab == ---- == Mode == ---- == More == ---- == Net == ---- == OpenFiles == ---- == Ping == ---- == Recover == ---- == Reg == ---- == Replace == ---- == RoboCopy == ---- == RunDll32 == ---- == Sc == ---- == SchTasks == ---- == SetX == Set a variable permanently using the registry. {{{ setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\new\path }}} ---- == Shutdown == ---- == Sort == ---- == Subst == ---- == SystemInfo == ---- == TaskKill == ---- == TaskList == ---- == Timeout == ---- == Tree == ---- == Where == ---- == Wmic == ---- == XCopy == ---- CategoryRicottone