= ANES Cumulative = The fresh cross-section samples of ANES time series studies are aggregated into '''cumulative data files'''. <> ---- == Weights == From the [[https://electionstudies.org/data-center/anes-time-series-cumulative-data-file/|data center]]: "Over the years, the most common ANES study design has been a cross-section, equal probability, sample. These designs are typically "self-weighting"...". In recent distributions of the cumulative data file, there are several weights. Most weight factors are simply "1.0" per the stated design. Principally, there are 9 weights based on a cross-selection of two analysis choices: 1. For 2012 and 2016, should all data be used (`z`), or only data from face-to-face interviews (`x`), or only data from web interviews (`y`)? 2. For 1970, should data collected from the most common version of the questionnaire ("Type 0", `0009`) be used, or from the "Type 1" questionnaire (`0010`), or from the "Type 2" questionnaire (`0011`)? Apart from these studies, the weights are identical across the variables. Note that mode of interview is captured in `VCF0017`, but this is not the same as (1.). The weights are partitioned for sample design, i.e. treatment groups. In summary, this will probably suffice: {{{ svyset [pweight=VCF0009z], vce(linearized) }}} If working with only face-to-face interview data, try using `VCF0009x` instead. There is also a post-election weight (`VCF9999`) if working exclusively with respondents to the post-election interviews. ---- == Data == ||'''Variable'''||'''Description''' ||'''Notes''' || ||`VCF0004` ||Year of study || || ||`VCF0016` ||Sample indicator (panel "recontact", "fresh", etc.) || || ||`VCF0017` ||Mode of interview || || ||`VCF0803` ||Liberal-Conservative self-identifiation, 7-point scale || || ||`VCF0824` ||Liberal-Conservative compelled choice, 3-point scale ||Follow-up if VCF0803 was refused or if VCF0803="Moderate" || ||`VCF0808` ||Should guarantee jobs and living standards || || ||`VCF0809` ||Should guarantee jobs and living standards, 7-point scale|| || ||`VCF0830` ||"Aid to blacks" 7-point scale || || ||`VCF0843` ||Should increase defense spending, 7-point scale || || `VCF0006` is a unique ID within each study (as indicated by `VCF0004`). `VCF0006a` is unique across all studies. ---- == Quality == A quick exploration of the data reveals possibly unintended interview patterns, and illogical combinations. `VCF0824` is a follow-up question; it should only be asked if `VCF0803` was refused or if a response of "Moderate" was given (in a subset of years). The intention is to compel respondents to 'pick a side'. {{{ . svy: prop VCF0803 VCF0824, percent (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Percent estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 37,572 Number of PSUs = 32,951 Population size = 37,502.3 Design df = 32,950 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Percent std. err. [95% conf. interval] --------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------ VCF0803 | 0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); R not | 4.66 0.13 4.42 4.92 1. Extremely liberal | 2.20 0.09 2.02 2.39 2. Liberal | 8.44 0.17 8.11 8.79 3. Slightly liberal | 8.48 0.17 8.16 8.82 4. Moderate, middle of the road | 26.05 0.28 25.51 26.60 5. Slightly conservative | 11.25 0.19 10.88 11.62 6. Conservative | 13.92 0.22 13.50 14.36 7. Extremely conservative | 2.97 0.11 2.77 3.18 9. DK; haven't thought much about it | 22.03 0.27 21.51 22.56 | VCF0824 | 0. R has made choice on 7pt scale VCF0803 | 55.93 0.31 55.32 56.54 1. Liberal | 11.71 0.21 11.31 12.13 3. Moderate ('middle of the road') | 9.74 0.19 9.38 10.11 5. Conservative | 16.69 0.24 16.22 17.17 7. R refuses to choose | 1.81 0.08 1.65 1.98 8. DK | 3.45 0.10 3.25 3.66 9. NA in either question; technical error (2020) | 0.67 0.05 0.58 0.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}} The natural expectation, then, is that a valid response to the follow-up should require non-response or a "Moderate" response to the lead. This is not the case: {{{ . tab VCF0803 VCF0824 if inlist(VCF0803,1,2,3,5,6,7) & inlist(VCF0824,1,3,5) | If Compelled to Choose Liberal Liberal-Conservative | or Conservative Scale | 1. Libera 3. Modera 5. Conser | Total ----------------------+---------------------------------+---------- 1. Extremely liberal | 4 3 2 | 9 2. Liberal | 21 24 7 | 52 3. Slightly liberal | 40 90 15 | 145 5. Slightly conservat | 12 79 63 | 154 6. Conservative | 6 29 44 | 79 7. Extremely conserva | 1 3 12 | 16 ----------------------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 84 228 143 | 455 }}} The following tabulations seem to be of interest, but are reproduced here without a thoughtful explanation. {{{ . generate ctd = (inlist(VCF0803,5,6,7) & inlist(VCF0824,1)) | (inlist(VCF0803,1,2,3) & inlist(VCF0824,5)) . keep if inlist(VCF0803,1,2,3,5,6,7) & inlist(VCF0824,1,3,5) (67,769 observations deleted) . tab VCF0017 ctd | ctd Mode of Interview | 0 1 | Total ----------------------+----------------------+---------- 0. All personal | 95 15 | 110 4. All internet | 317 28 | 345 ----------------------+----------------------+---------- Total | 412 43 | 455 . tab VCF0016 ctd Cross-section | composition: fresh | ctd Cross or panel case | 0 1 | Total ----------------------+----------------------+---------- 0. Fresh Cross case | 412 43 | 455 ----------------------+----------------------+---------- Total | 412 43 | 455 . tab VCF0004 ctd Year of | ctd Study | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 2016 | 412 43 | 455 -----------+----------------------+---------- }}} ---- CategoryRicottone